How do I purchase tickets for Blanc de Blanc?

Black Circus takes onboard entertainment to new levels with exclusive and glamorous cabaret style shows. It's the ultimate night out full of spectacle and outrageous fun!

Available on Pacific Adventure and Pacific Encounter, Blanc de Blanc, is an incredible live show bringing you the finest cabaret and acrobatic talent from around the world, and serving up an intoxicating blend of vintage glamour, risqué humour, opulence, and edge-of-your-seat theatre.

Tickets are $30 per person (subject to change).

Tickets and packages for Blanc de Blanc Uncorked can be purchased -

  • Pre-Cruise via Cruise Control. Click on Manage Booking, then Shop Ahead. Tickets can be found under Entertainment.
  • Onboard at the pop-up Box Office located on -
    • Pacific Adventure - Deck 6 forward at the entrance to the casino
    • Pacific Encounter - Deck 7 forward Port Side outside the Marquee Theatre