Are the pools always open?
The swimming pools onboard Pacific Adventure and Pacific Encounter generally close at 8pm, and Pacific Explorer close at 7pm. The pool areas may be closed earlier on some days due to events such as the open deck parties. Pools may close due to weather conditions (high swells), there will be a sign displayed to advise guests that the pool is closed.
Netting is used to secure the pools at night time.
Pools are heated to approximately 27 degrees Celsius and spas are heated to approximately 32 degrees Celsius.
The water in the pools onboard are a mixture of chlorine and salt water. Tests are conducted daily to make sure all pools are at an acceptable level.
Any guest not toilet trained is not permitted in any of the pools regardless of protective clothing, including aqua nappies. These do not comply with the company's public health standards.
If a pool is soiled, it will be decommissioned for at least 48 hours as all the water needs to be drawn out, the pool sanitised and the filter sand replaced. Then, once the pool has been filled, the chemical balance needs to be attained.