Luke Mangan’s Liquorice Parfait

Parfait Ingredients:

  • 90g ‘Darrell Lea’ liquorice, chopped
  • 400ml cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 100g castor Sugar
  • 50ml glucose
  • 20ml Pernod
  • Green food colouring

Method for the Liquorice Parfait:

  1. Place the liquorice and cream in a pot and slowly bring to a simmer.
  2. Cook for 5 minutes then blend in a liquidizer while still hot.
  3. Transfer to a large bowl and cool down.
  4. Meanwhile, make a thick ribbon sabayon with the eggs, egg yolks, sugar, glucose and Pernod over a bain maire.
  5. Combine the liquorice mixture and sabayon then and mix well to combine, Add food colouring at this stage if needed.
  6. In a tray lined with baking paper place the sponge on top then pour over the parfait mix, to set at about 1.5 inches.
  7. Place in the freezer until completely frozen.

Sumbucca Sponge Ingredients:

  • 20 eggs
  • 400g caster sugar
  • 240g flour
  • 150ml Sumbucca (white)
  • Jet Black food colouring

Method for the Sumbucca Sponge

  1. Place eggs and sugar in medium mixing bowl, put over medium heat and stir until sugar has dissolved.
  2. Put bowl into mixture on high speed until eggs have tripled in size.
  3. Add food coloring until mix is jet black, remove from mixer. Fold in flour and sumbucca.
  4. Spread onto trays. 500g per tray. Bake at 180*C for approx 5 minutes.

Lime Syrup Ingredients:

  • 250g sugar
  • 250ml water
  • 1 lime, juiced and the peel zested into strips
  • 1 lime segments, pith and pips removed

Method for the Lime Syrup

  1. Bring the sugar and water to the boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Remove from the heat and add the lime juice and the rind.
  3. Stir well then refrigerate

Lime Jelly Ingredients

  • 150ml sugar syrup
  • 100ml lime juice
  • 4 gelatine leaves

Method for the Lime Jelly

Warm the sugar syrup and lime juice and melt in the soaked gelatine leaves, set in fridge.

Compressed Apple Ingredients

  • 1 apple sliced
  • 20ml pernod
  • 20ml sugar syrup
  • 50 mil lime juice

Method for the Apple

  1. Core the apple and slice 1.5mm thick
  2. Place all ingredients in a criovac bag and compress overnight.


  • 1 ea. Sambuca sponge
  • 1 ea. Liquorice parfait
  • 1 ea. Tuille
  • 3 ea. Lime zest
  • 60ml Lime syrup
  • 5 ea. cut 1cm cubes Lime jelly
  • 3 ea. Compressed apple


Pull the parfait from the freezer and place in the bowl, add three pieces of apple folded in half to one side of the parfait. Add 5 pieces of lime jelly around the parfait then add the tuille with 3 limes zest on top as shown. Pour in the lime syrup.

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